Net price calculators can help you find the right financial fit. Need help figuring out which colleges you might be able to afford? Use net price calculators to find a personalized estimate of your net price well before you need to apply to a college or complete a financial aid application. All colleges are required to include a net price calculator on their website. Some may be easier to find than others, and you can always use the website’s search engine if you’re having trouble finding it. Colleges may also offer additional types of cost and aid calculators — be sure to look for the one called “net price calculator.”
Net price calculators will ask you some basic financial questions (some require more detailed information than others) and then give you estimates of cost of attendance, grant and scholarship aid, and net price. These are just estimates, not guarantees, and you’ll need to complete the aid application process to determine your actual eligibility.
Some colleges may be more affordable than what their sticker price suggests, and you may discover that you have more options than you thought.
The College Scorecard — an interactive website hosted by the U.S. Department of Education that provides information about colleges and programs, including graduation rates and typical salaries after completing — also includes a link to each college’s net price calculator.
Once you’ve narrowed down your college list, our Affordability Calculator can help guide you on the maximum amount it is recommended to borrow.
A resource from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, created with support from The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS)